Interpreting U.S. Public Diplomacy Speeches

Erin Boggs

Interpreting U.S. Public Diplomacy Speeches

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Volume 75

978-3-7329-0150-0 9783732901500
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
29.80 €


Interpreting U.S. Public Diplomacy Speeches is an attempt to bring a methodical consideration of social context into the interpreter’s approach to analyzing discourse. In this book, speeches delivered by U.S. diplomats to foreign audiences are described using elements of Dell Hymes’ SPEAKING model. This will help interpreters to shape their interpretation of this text type and supply a flexible means of better understanding discourse in any culture. This book is intended as a resource for non-U.S. interpreters who want to know more about interpreting for U.S. government officials or other U.S. American people. It could also interest anyone curious about how cultural context can affect the work of interpreters.


Erin Boggs is an interpreter from Tallahassee, Florida. She studied Foreign Languages and Literature at New College of Florida in the United States, and Conference Interpreting and Chinese Studies at Leipzig University in Germany.



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