Wissenskommunikation / Knowledge Communication AMP

Edited by: Helle Dam Jensen, Alexander Holste

Subjects: Philology and Linguistics, Communication and Media Studies, Translation Studies


Wissenskommunikation / Knowledge Communication AMP

maschinell – mehrsprachig – multimodal / Automated – Multimodal – Polylingual


Call for Papers

The language industry has seen drastic changes over the last decades due to developments in automation and language processing. Prominent examples are AI-based, rule-based, or hybrid human-chatbot/-device/-robot/-cobot interaction, terminology database management, automated environments in technical writing, language-based VR/AR trainings on the job, (simultaneous) machine translation (RBMT, NMT) or, more generally, the usage of speech-to-text transformers, parallel multilingual domain specific corpora, translation memories, controlled languages, terminology databases, and other kinds of natural language processing. Developments such as these change and determine the objects of study in many disciplines, calling for a reassessment of the theoretical instruments and methods used to the purpose of unveiling their complexities.

The discipline of knowledge communication investigates the construction of knowledge across knowledge asymmetries (Engberg/Fage-Butler/Kastberg 2024; Kastberg, 2019; Engberg, 2016; Risku et al., 2011, and so forth). The impacts of the developments of automation and language processing listed above are therefore central to the discipline as well as to related disciplines, for example, new approaches of LSP, Specialized Communication, Domain Specific Communication and Professional Communication (Fachkommunikationswissenschaft) in mono- and multilingual settings and Translation Studies. These disciplines need to adapt to the new reality broadening their current research and to refine their theoretical and methodological instruments aimed at describing, analyzing, and conceptualizing the impact that these developments have on their objects of study. Research on Knowledge Communication AMP: Automated – Multimodal – Polylingual (Wissenskommunikation: maschinell – mehrsprachig – multimodal) aims at contributing to this work.

On the one hand, this requires a multi-faceted theoretical approach located in the paradigms of situated cognition and specialized knowledge/cognitive processes (Fachwissen) expressed through (multimodal) texts and language. On the other hand, the new line of research is inherently interdisciplinary, integrating research areas such as technical communication, linguistics, translation studies, approaches of technical disciplines like cybernetics, information science, media sciences, and so forth. In this context, the book series’ global perspective must be stressed as it promotes contributions that address issues bound to different regions, nations, or parts of the world and likewise contributions from various research and language communities.

The series is committed to the Open Access principle (CC-BY-NC-ND). Its volumes can be published in hybrid form, i.e., in both print and digital format, and made accessible online free of charge immediately upon publication (Gold Open Access). Both high-quality monographs (e.g., dissertations and post-doctoral theses), thematically bound anthologies (e.g., conference or panel proceedings), and handbooks are planned forms of publication. All published titles in the series will have undergone rigorous double-blind review based on constructive comments. The languages of publication are English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian, but other languages may be considered.

Book proposals may be submitted any time during the year. They will be assessed by the Series Editors. The Editors and the Publisher are committed to giving prompt feedback. Please submit your proposal directly to the Series Editors Helle Dam Jensen and Alexander Holste. They will also provide you with more information on the proposal requirements, depending on the stage of completion of your book.

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