Domestication and Foreignization in Translation Studies

Hannu Kemppanen (Ed.), Marja Jänis (Ed.), Alexandra Belikova (Ed.)

Domestication and Foreignization in Translation Studies

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Volume 46

978-3-86596-403-8 9783865964038
Date of appearance
14.8 × 21.0 cm (B × H)
39.80 €


This collection of peer reviewed articles deals with traditions of dichotomizing ways of describing translations. The discussions include theoretical aspects of defining the concepts of domestication and foreignization, concrete research undertaken by applying these concepts and cases where translation is strongly linked with ideological factors.

Theoretical questions are posed from different perspectives, varying from affective aspects of translation strategies and translation from and into minor languages to meta-theoretical analysis of the notions of domestication and foreignization. Operationalization of these key concepts is presented by comparing the original text and its different translations into one or several target languages and developing models for assessing a translation on a domestication-foreignization scale. The ideological aspect is discussed in studies that describe translation in two specific political environments – in Russia/Soviet Union and in Hong Kong.


Hannu Kemppanen is professor of Russian language and translation at the University of Eastern Finland.

Marja Jänis is a docent in translation studies at the University of Eastern Finland.

Alexandra Belikova is a PhD student in translation studies at the University of Eastern Finland.

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