Translation and Comprehensibility

Karin Maksymski (Hg.), Silke Gutermuth (Hg.), Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Hg.)

Translation and Comprehensibility

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Band 72

978-3-7329-0022-0 9783732900220
Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
39,80 €

Zum Inhalt

This volume collects papers presented in the panel Translation and Comprehensibility at the EST congress 2013 in Germersheim. In line with the conference topic “Centres and Peripheries”, the papers do not only deal with mainstream topics in translation studies, but with some re search “peripheries” as well, such as advance translation or intralingual translation. All papers have in common that they relate translation research to aspects of comprehensibility addressing them from several different per spectives, such as source text defects, quality ensurance during text production, or evaluation of comprehensibility in the target text.


The editors work at the translation department of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz/Germersheim (Germany). Their main research interests are languages for special purposes (Karin Maksymski), translation process research (Silke Gutermuth) and English linguistics and translation studies (Prof. Silvia Hansen-Schirra).

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