The Translator’s Approach – Introduction to Translational Hermeneutics

Radegundis Stolze

The Translator’s Approach – Introduction to Translational Hermeneutics

Theory and Examples from Practice

TRANSÜD. Arbeiten zur Theorie und Praxis des Übersetzens und Dolmetschens, Band 41

978-3-86596-373-4 9783865963734
Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
29,80 €

Zum Inhalt

The book presents the hermeneutical theory of translation focusing on the translator as a person. Translation is a dynamic task to be performed on the basis of a deep understanding of the original and an adequate strategy for authentic reformulation in another language. The theoretical foundations of hermeneutics laid by Schleiermacher, and later on developed by Heidegger, Gadamer and the phenomenologist Husserl, are presented, combined with a critical discussion of current theories in Translation Studies.
The theoretical presentation is complemented by a collection of twelve text examples from various genres for a description of the practical translation process in the English and the German language, when one applies the hermeneutical categories of orientation. Thus the book is not only an introduction to translational hermeneutics but may also be used as a handbook for translator training.


Radegundis Stolze (*1950), Dr. phil., M.A., Dipl.-Übers., lecturer at the University of Technology Darmstadt, visiting professor, seminar-leader, academic author and accredited practical translator. Long-term member of EST (European Society for Translation Studies) and BDÜ (German Translators Association).

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