Rapprochement, Change, Perception and Shaping the Future

Alfred Wittstock (Hg.)

Rapprochement, Change, Perception and Shaping the Future

50 Years of German-Israeli and Israeli-German Diplomatic Relations

978-3-7329-0223-1 9783732902231
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
49,80 €

Zum Inhalt

The relations between the two states and societies have been rather complex during both the previous half-century and beyond. Embedded in changing political land scapes, the ramifications reach back to the early 19th century. Yet the uniqueness of the relationship network only shows in light of the wholesale murder of Jews in Europe, the creation of the State of Israel, the discussions surround ing the initiation of diplomatic relations and their arrangement until the present day. The development and intensity of the relations with regard to civil society and politics are quite astonishing when considering the beginnings. Approaches, changes and the in part greatly-varying perceptions of the other side can be observed over the course of 50 years of history, and these give rise to questions concerning the current state of the relationship and its future design.


Alfred Wittstock, Director of the Israel Study Unit at the Department of Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. Co-founder of the German Study Program “Study in Israel – One year at the Hebrew University Jerusalem”. Teaching activities at several secondary schools and Universities. Research interests: state and society of Israel, role of religions in the Middle East conflict, German-Israeli Relations.

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