
Frank Eckardt (Hg.), Jens Geelhaar (Hg.), Laura Colini (Hg.), Konstantinos Chorianopoulos (Hg.), Katharine S. Willis (Hg.), Ralf Hennig (Hg.)


Situations, Practices and Encounters

978-3-86596-182-2 9783865961822
Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
68,00 €

Zum Inhalt

MEDIACITY: Situations, Practices and Encounters investigates how the social settings and spaces of the city are created, experienced and practiced through the use and presence of new media. It takes the position that new media enables different settings, practices and behaviours to occur in urban space. Contributions from academics, practitioners and activists from disciplines such as Media Studies, Architecture, Urban Studies, Cultural and Urban Geography and Sociology present a critical reflection on the processes, methods and impacts of technologies in urban space.

The MEDIACITY Project seeks to facilitate the transfer of outstanding international knowledge at the Bauhaus-University Weimar in order to intensify research within the interdisciplinary fields of Media Studies, Architecture and Urban Sociology. It aims to research solutions for urban development in a knowledge based society.

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