Diversity and Inclusion across languages

Bernadette Hofer-Bonfim (Hg.), Magdalena Zehetgruber (Hg.), Elisabeth Peters (Hg.), Johannes Schnitzer (Hg.)

Diversity and Inclusion across languages

Insights into communicative challenges from theory and practice

Inklusion und Gesellschaft, Band 4

Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
39,80 €

Zum Inhalt

Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) in a corporate business may once have been no more than a lofty goal. Today it is seen as an important asset for all types of businesses. This book analyzes the communicative aspects of D&I in organizational as well as corporate settings. Its close look into linguistic practices allows a deeper understanding of D&I and the challenges related to it. The interdisciplinary contributors (scholars and practitioners alike) used quantitative and qualitative approaches. They examined the communication for, within and about a diverse society from a variety of angles. The topics they cover include linguistic diversity, D&I in corporate reports and D&I in criminal law and boardrooms. Thus, they lay out the challenges of implementing D&I management in everyday business. They also highlight the relation between language use and D&I.


Bernadette Hofer-Bonfim, Magdalena Zehetgruber, Elisabeth Peters and Johannes Schnitzer are working at Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (Vienna University of Economics and Business) at the Department of Business Communication. Their research focuses on linguistic and communicative aspects of D&I, particularly from a multilingual and intercultural perspective. They are especially interested in the crucial role of language(s) in corporate D&I management.

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