Boyash Studies: Researching “Our People”

Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković (Hg.), Thede Kahl (Hg.), Biljana Sikimić (Hg.)

Boyash Studies: Researching “Our People”

Forum: Rumänien, Band 40

978-3-7329-0694-9 9783732906949
Taschenbuch, broschiert
14,8 × 21,0 cm (B × H)
79,80 €

Zum Inhalt

The Boyash, also known as Rudari, Lingurari or, inclusively, as “oamenii noștri” (our people), are an ethnic group living today in scattered communities in the Balkans, Central and Eastern Europe, but also in the Americas. What brings the disperse communities of Boyash together is their Romanian mother tongue, (memory of) traditional occupation, common historical origin, and the fact that the majority population considers them Gypsies / Roma. A marginal topic until now, at the crossroads between Romani and Romanian studies, the Boyash studies are today an interdisciplinary field dealing with the experiences of the Boyash over time, in Romania and all the places where they have settled. The editors of this volume intend to mark two centuries of scholarly interest in the Boyash by bringing together researchers from different fields, summing up existing literature and bringing new research to the forefront.


Annemarie Sorescu-Marinković is Senior Research Associate at the Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade.

Thede Kahl is Professor of Southern Slavic Studies at the Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, and Chairman of the Commission “Vanishing Languages and Cultural Heritage” at the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Biljana Sikimić is Principal Research Fellow at the Institute for Balkan Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade, and Professor of Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the University of Novi Sad.

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